Planning for Real Need not Speculator Greed in Oxfordshire
The growth strategy for Oxfordshire proposes 100,000 new houses by 2031, equivalent to two new cities the size of Oxford; plus 85,000 new jobs, and at least 200,000 more people, roughly a 30% increase in our population.
In order to meet these top-down targets rural Oxfordshire is being sacrificed. Yet the public have not been properly consulted.
We believe there is an alternative vision for the future of Oxfordshire – one that is not based on forced economic growth, but which focuses on meeting local people’s real needs.
Need not Greed Oxon is a campaign dedicated to protecting Oxfordshire’s rural environment, whilst recognising the development and infrastructure needs of our residents.
We are 100% reliant on donations from individuals and organisations. Please can you help?
Visit Just GivingJoin the Campaign
We’d love to hear from more groups interested in joining the coalition.
The Issue
A “growth at all costs” policy has led to a county plan that envisages building at virtually double any previous rate, and threatens to overwhelm our infrastructure, services, landscape and communities.
Put simply, the growth strategy is the biggest threat to rural Oxfordshire in our history and its impact would be irreversible.
The Campaign
Need not Greed Oxon is a coalition of local groups and individuals that have come together to campaign for a future that respects the views of local people, plans for “need not greed” and protects the environment.
We want local people to have a real voice in the debate on the future of Oxfordshire.

Residents of Long Hanborough dismayed at decision to allow 170 homes to be built in the village
On 6 December, the Uplands Area Planning Sub-Committee for West Oxfordshire approved the planning application for 170 houses on greenfield land north of Witney Road in the village of Long Hanborough (17/1082/OUT). Hanborough Parish Council objected to the proposal on the grounds that the development would have an adverse impact on the Conservation Area, and […]

Planning application for 300 house development approved in Woodstock
NNGO member, Woodstock Action Group, and local residents are shocked and dismayed that an outline planning application for 300 homes in the historic village of Woodstock has been approved. On 6 December, the Uplands Area Planning Sub-Committee for West Oxfordshire approved the planning application for 300 houses on greenfield land at Woodstock East (16/01364/OUT). In February of […]

Planning application for 70 homes in village of Burford rejected
On 6 December, the Uplands Area Planning Sub-Committee for West Oxfordshire rejected the planning application for 70 houses on land east of Barns Lane, known locally as ‘Cole’s Field’ in the village of Burford (17/00642/OUT), despite the development being recommended for approval. 695 objections to the scheme were raised, largely based on the grounds that […]

Beauty Betrayed
‘Beauty betrayed‘, published by CPRE National Office this month, is a major new report into development in Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONBs). It shows there has been an 82% increase in new housing units given planning permission in England’s 34 AONBs in the past five years, despite repeated commitments by the Government to ‘maintain national […]
"We want to see the right houses, in the right place, for the right people and at the right cost - this campaign will help us to achieve this in Oxfordshire."
Peter Jay, Chairman of ROAR
"Many local groups around the county are currently fighting lonely battles against aggressive developers wanting to build on inappropriate sites, and often losing - by supporting this campaign, local groups can engage with the bigger picture and have a better chance of saving rural Oxfordshire."
Helen Marshall, Director of CPRE Oxfordshire