Act Now – Respond to the Oxfordshire Plan 2050

Consultation on the vision for the Oxfordshire Plan (Oxfordshire Joint Statutory Spatial Plan) closes 25th March 2019.
This is a once in a generation opportunity to influence the development of Oxfordshire and ensure decisions are not wholly made by Government and developers.

Read the Oxfordshire Plan 2050 Vision Consultation March 2019 Need Not Greed Response.

Visit Oxfordshire Plan 2050 website:

Please respond, there are three ways to have your say:

1        Respond by making comments on the consultation document

Respond quickly: copy and paste the suggested text below into the introduction section.

Create your own response: see the NNGO response above to learn more and prepare your own response.

2        Respond by filling in the online questionnaire

3        Send the suggested text below direct to

Suggested text
The proposed level of growth would be transformational to Oxfordshire and have huge environmental and social impacts, and yet there is no open public debate – the growth targets for this Plan are already assumed.

* Growth must be justified in terms of the benefits it will bring, and how, and not as an end in itself.

* This Plan is predicated on getting large numbers of people to move to Oxfordshire. Where are the social equity implications for Oxfordshire and other parts of the UK being considered?

* Sustainability should be embedded more firmly as a core objective in the strategy, with environmental and social sustainability given at least equal status to that of economic growth.

* The complex timetabling of the Oxfordshire Plan 2050, and its relations to key decisions about the Expressway, need urgent clarification.

* The governance and accountability for the Oxfordshire Plan 2050 needs to be more transparent and locally accountable.

* There must be transparency on how the responses to this consultation are to be used and how the next stages of the Plan process are subsequently revisited, improved and refined.

* A publicly accessible interactive map of the whole County should be prepared showing the impact of all the proposed developments.

* The requirements of our ‘climate emergency’ are underplayed throughout the document and should be given much greater prominence.

* There are a number of differences between the consultation document signed off by our local councils and the final publication version. This process requires explanation.

* We need a commitment to a fully funded and robust green infrastructure strategy and action plan.