Save Gavray Meadows – sign the petition to Cherwell District Council to save this precious green space from development.

generic-news-2Gavray Meadows in Bicester is under threat from development. Part of Gavray Meadows was designated a local wildlife site, or Conservation Target Area (CTA), in 2002 – it is home to many rare species and is virtually the only wild green space remaining inside Bicester’s ring road. But 300 homes are proposed for Gavray Meadows and the surrounding area, known by planners as ‘Bicester 13’.

The developer, Gallagher Estates, has applied for 180 homes on an arable field west of the local wildlife site. Local campaigners fear that so many new homes next door will damage the local wildlife site. Worse, 120 homes will still have to be built – either on the local wildlife site or over equally lovely adjacent meadows.

Nearly 1,500 people have signed a petition to save the meadows and the town council supports it.

Local campaigners now find themselves almost on the same side as the district council, which is opposed to the bid by Gallaghers Estates to build on a large chunk of the green space.

Cherwell District Council are defending their policy to allow up to 300 houses on Gavray Meadows, but not allowing built development on the nature Conservation Target Area (CTA).

The site’s future will be decided in court in February.

The Save Gavray Meadows campaign support Cherwell in defending the nature Conservation Target Area and have launched a petition to CDC asking for the CTA to be saved.

If you haven’t signed the petition – please do so!

The petition closes on 30th January 2016.

It will help CDC in the legal case to show public support for saving the Meadows.

To sign you have to live in or work in the Cherwell District.

Sign the petition.