Gavray Meadows in Bicester threatened by development

gavreyA planning application goes to Cherwell District Council this Thursday (18 May) for 180 houses on an arable field that lies within the River Ray Conservation Target Area (CTA) – next to a Local Wildlife Site (LWS), important for wildlife and one of the few remaining wildlife habitats in Bicester (not to mention green lungs in this fast growing ‘eco-town’ town).

The application (15/00837/OUT) on land to the north east side of Gavray Drive, Bicester (on the west of Langford Brook), is part of Cherwell’s Local Plan.

Land both west and east of the Langford Brook is part of the Local Plan ‘Bicester 13’ allocation for 300 houses.

The Save Gavray Meadows campaign group is opposing the development, since what happens on the west side of the Brook will impact on the Conservation Target Area and also the Local Wildlife Site.

The Local Wildlife Site contains lowland meadow important for a rich variety of species including: Song Thrush, Barn Swallow, Common Kestrel, Common Swift, Common Bullfinch, Common Whitethroat, Yellowhammer, European Water Vole, Greater Water-Parsnip, Eurasian Badger and Bullhead.

The application is recommended for approval, despite the Council receiving 60 objections from third parties.

Find out more about Save Gavray Meadows

See the Agenda for the CDC Planning Committee, 18 May